With a laminate

Transfer Sticker Requirements With A Laminate

The minimum thickness and gap requirements are .125″. Some elements with hard angles, distressed graphics, or tapered slopes may be an issue. We will discuss during the proofing process if there are serious concerns with your graphics.

Up to 3 years without fading on standard surfaces, and based on high UV exposure.

Without a laminate

Transfer Sticker Without A Laminate

The minimum thickness and gap requirements are .06″. Some elements with hard angles, distressed graphics, or tapered slopes may be an issue. We will discuss during the proofing process if there are serious concerns with your graphics.

Last 1- 2 Years without fading on standard surfaces, and based on high UV exposure. One negative of not having a laminate is that they are not ultra-durable for heavy friction applications such as cell phones and areas with rough conditions or heavy abuse.

Transfer Vinyl Inner Picks

How To Count Your Inner Picks

Inner picks are the parts of vinyl inside of an enclosed object or graphic that need to be manually picked out. For example, the inside of the letters “A” and “R” are shown (magenta shapes). The vinyl inside of the letters needs to be removed manually.

You will need to count the number of inner picks in your graphic design being uploaded and select the appropriate option.

If you have a high amount of inner picks, and it becomes too cost-prohibitive to select the number of inner cuts for your job, we suggest printing your graphics on a custom shape clear vinyl which will allow for a transparent custom shape background and give it the appearance of a transfer sticker.